We're very excited to present our third offering, The Halloween Horror Bundle, which showcases eight fantastic ebooks from eight indie authors. In this bundle, we're featuring both experienced award winners and some fresh new talent that is certain to deliver the chills and more than a few thrills to make your Halloween complete!
Just like in our previous offerings, you still get to decide how much of your purchase you want to go to supporting indie authors, and you can still choose for a portion of the proceeds to go to one of two fantastic charities. All our books are DRM free and can be read on just about any ereader, tablet, smartphone or laptop.
Collectively, our authors featured in this bundle include multiple Bram Stoker Award nominees and winners, multiple International Horror Guild Award nominees and winners, New York Times bestsellers, a Nebula Award nominee, and a former president of the Horror Writers Association, the world’s largest organization of professional horror writers. In other words, quality writers with quality offerings, all at a pay-what-you-want-price! The books include:
If you pay more than the bonus price of just $9, you get two bonus books, which are:
“When StoryBundle’s founder Jason Chen asked me to curate the Halloween Horror Bundle, I was thrilled,” says internationally bestselling author, Joseph Nassise. “I’ve been involved in the genre throughout my entire career, having been nominated for both the Bram Stoker Award and the International Horror Guild Award and even serving two terms as president of the Horror Writers Association, the world largest group of professional horror writers, and I was excited about being able to showcase both the breadth and scope of modern horror fiction to the StoryBundle audience.“
“My selection criterion was simple – I wanted quality writers who approached the genre in diverse ways – and I think I’ve delivered a package that has something of interest for every horror fan out there as a result. There’s no question that the writing speaks for itself; from Patricia Fulton’s debut THE DROUGHT to the reissue of New York Times bestseller Kevin J Anderson’s RESURRECTION INC., these are books that can stand on their own two feet and have the accolades to prove it. Likewise, the diversity is equally exciting, as we’ve got everything from the steampunk horror of Martin Kee’s A LATENT DARK to the thrilleresque darkness of VICARIOUS by Jon F. Merz. One of our bonus titles, Douglas Clegg’s COMING OF AGE, is a literal workshop in the power of the novella in modern horror. There’s something here for everyone.”
Why StoryBundle? Here are just a few benefits StoryBundle provides.
StoryBundle was created to give a platform for independent authors to showcase their work, and a source of quality titles for thirsty readers. StoryBundle works with authors to create bundles of ebooks that can be purchased by readers at their desired price. Before starting StoryBundle, Founder Jason Chen covered technology and software as an editor for Gizmodo.com and Lifehacker.com.
For more information, visit our website at storybundle.com, Twitter us at @storybundle, Like us on Facebook, and Plus us on Google Plus. For press inquiries, please email [email protected].